1. Customer Care
  2. Personal health queries

I have a health question related to the test.

Questions regarding the test kit, fasting instructions, finger pricking, taking the drink or about one's health during the test.

If you have a query about any aspect of the test, which cannot be resolved by watching the user instruction video below or reading the test kit instructions, then please contact the GTT@home Customer Care line.  

The GTT@home Customer Care line can be reached on 0330 113 0275. 

The Customer Care Line is managed from 6 am to 6 pm, Monday to Sunday. 


The GTT@home Customer Care line is also available if you should feel ill, or uncomfortable or have any concerns during the test.  However, if you are seriously ill, whether test kit related or not, please contact the relevant emergency service immediately.  

Dial 111 for NHS Direct, or 999 for emergency services.